How to add domain and create email account?

To add a domain:
1. Login to the client area and go to the "Services" tab. On the dropdown, click on "Managed E-mail" under 'Your current services with us".
2. Choose the e-mail service, you want to add a domain to.
3. Go to the "Manage Domains" tab on the left, type the domain in the small box and click "Add Domain"
4. Update your DNS records at your DNS Provider and you are done.

To add an email account:
1. Login to the client area and go to the "Services" tab. On the dropdown, click on "Managed E-mail" under 'Your current services with us".
2. Choose the e-mail service, you want to add an account to.
3. Go to the "Manage Email accounts" tab on the left.
3. In case you added only one domain, click on "New Account". Fill out the form, that pops up and click "Save". You are done. In case you added multiple domains, choose the one, which you want to add an account to from the dropdown next to "Domain" and click on "New Account". Fill out the form that pops up, click "Save" and you are done.

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