How to mount custom ISO on Supermicro IPMI?

1. Connect to the IPMI of your server.

2. Once you have the IPMI opened, go to "Remote Control" Tab > "Console Redirection" and launch the console, so you can see the server screen.

3. Above the server screen, you will see a few menu buttons:
Virtual Media
User List
Power Control

4. Click on "Virtual Media" > "Virtual Storage".

5. On the "Logical Drive Type" dropdown, choose "ISO File"

6. Click on "Open Image" and browse to the location of the ISO on your computer in the pop-up that opens up, select the ISO and click on "Open".

7. Click on "Plug in"

8. Reboot the server.

8.1. Go to "Power Control" menu on the console > "Set Power Reset".

9. Now, watch the console screen as the server reboots.

10. When you see the Supermicro screen with white text in the bottom stating "Press <F11> to invoke boot menu> or any other key for the same action, press it a few times and you should see a small blue window in the middle of the screen with different boot options. Select "ATEN Virtual CDROM YSOJ" in either UEFI or Legacy mode and hit "Enter".

11. The ISO should boot now.

12. Be patient during installation as this would be loading it from your computer.

We can also install your server manually if you provide the ISO with $20/20 minutes remote hands. You can open ticket to request that.

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